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General Information

The Arc of Arizona:

The Arc – Chapters in Arizona:

The Arc of the U.S.:

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) – Caregiving Resources:

Area Agencies on Aging:

Arizona Caregiver Coalition:

Arizona Department of Economic Security – Division of Developmental Disabilities (DES-DDD):

Arizona Department of Economic Security – Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS):

Advocacy & Self-Advocacy

Arizona Autism Coalition:

Arizona Autism United:

Autism NOW Center:

Autism Society of Greater Phoenix:

Autism Society of Southern Arizona:
AZ Autism Advocacy for Single Parents:

AZ Partners in Leadership (formerly Partners in Policymaking):

Down Syndrome Network:

FASD Center for Excellence:

National Indian Council on Aging – Understanding Disabilities in American Indian & Alaska Native Communities Toolkit Guide

Northern Arizona Fetal Alcohol Center for Education and Support (NAFACES):

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA):

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona:

Southern Arizona Network for Down Syndrome (SANDS):

The Arc of the U.S.:

The National Fragile X Foundation:

Assistive Technology

Arizona Technology Access Program:

Institute for Human Development (Northern Arizona University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities):

Sun Sounds of Arizona:

Community / Independent Living

Arizona Department of Economic Security – Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS):

Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council:

Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council:

Institute for Community Inclusion:

National Council for Independent Living:

National Inclusion Project:

Sun Sounds of Arizona:

The Arc of the U.S.:


Down Syndrome Network:

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA):

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona:

Southern Arizona Network for Down Syndrome (SANDS):

Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC):

The Arc of the U.S.:

The Arc’s Autism NOW Center:

The National Fragile X Foundation:

Direct Service Providers

Arizona Autism United:

Beacon Group:

Gompers Habilitation Center:

Early Childhood

Arizona Early Intervention Program:

Children’s Services Network of Arizona:

Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona:

Raising Special Kids:

Blue Sprig ABA Therapy:

Circle City ABA:


Arizona Center for Disability Law:

Arizona Dept. of Education Exceptional Student Services:

Arizona Dept. of Education Parent Information Network:

Arizona TASH:

GoGrad – Guide to online graduate programs:

Institute for Human Development (Northern Arizona University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities):

Learn How To Become (Higher Education & Financial Aid information for students with disabilities):

Sonoran UCEDD (University of Arizona Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities):

The Council on Quality and Leadership:

A Parent’s Guide to Graduation of Students with Disabilities in Arizona

A Resource Guide for Inclusive Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disability (

Resources on rights of students under Section 504 with asthmadiabetesfood allergies, and GERD.

data snapshot of students with disabilities from the 2021-2022 CRDC.


AHCCCS “Freedom to Work” Program:

Arizona@Work Employment Service:

Arizona Department of Economic Security – Community Employment Resources:

Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council:

Arizona Rehabilitation Services:

Association on Persons in Supported Employment:

Institute for Community Inclusion:

Rehabilitation Services Administration:

The Arc of the U.S.:

Family & Caregiver Supports

Administration for Community Living – National Family Caregiver Support Program:

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) – Caregiving Resources:

AZ Autism Advocacy for Single Parents:

Arizona Autism Coalition:

Arizona Early Intervention Program:

Autism Society of Greater Phoenix:

Autism Society of Southern Arizona:

Children’s Services Network of Arizona:

Dads 4 Special Kids:

Down Syndrome Network:
Family Support Research & Training Center:

Gesher Disability Resources:

Northern Arizona Fetal Alcohol Center for Education and Support (NAFACES):

Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona:

Raising Special Kids:

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona:

Sibling Leadership Network:

Southern Arizona Network for Down Syndrome (SANDS):

The Arc of the U.S.:

Healthcare / Medicaid & Medicare

Arizona Department of Economic Security – Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS):

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS):

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS):

Children’s Services Network of Arizona:

Ensuring Health Care Access for People with Environmental Illness:


Arizona Department of Housing – Special Needs Assistance:

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development – Housing Information for People with Disabilities:

Fair Housing – It’s Your Right (HUD):

U.S. Department of Justice – Fair Housing Act:

Disability Rights in Housing:

Fair Housing Assistance Program:

U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Equal Credit Opportunity Act:

U.S. Federal Trade Commission – Mortgage Discrimination:

Social Security Disability Income & Mortgage Qualification:

Legal & Financial

AZ Autism Advocacy for Single Parents:

Arizona Center for Disability Law:

Know the ADA in Arizona:

Learn How To Become (Higher Education & Financial Aid information for students with disabilities):

Native American Disability Law Center:

Special Needs Alliance:

Report Nursing Home Abuse:

30 Common Credit Card Scams to Avoid

Recreation & the Arts


Detour Company Theatre:

Institute for Community Inclusion:

National Inclusion Project:

Special Olympics Arizona:

Sun Sounds of Arizona:

State & Federal Government

Administration for Community Living – National Family Caregiver Support Program:

Arizona Department of Economic Security, Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS):

Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities:

Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council:

Arizona Early Intervention Program:

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS):

Arizona State Legislature:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS):

Institute for Human Development (Northern Arizona University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities):

Rehabilitation Services Administration:

Sonoran UCEDD (University of Arizona Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities):


Vote the Spectrum:

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